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Here is where i could put the latest news... *man i'm smart*

Curtis' Dad died over the weekend. :( For those who pray or want to pray, just pray for him and his family through this time.  From what I've been told Curtis is inolved a lot in the funeral service including doing the sermon in it.  A little bit of background (again, information that I have been told) is that his Dad has not been well for a long time and so this was not un-expected, but it did happen much quicker than they thought. So Just Pray for Curtis and his family.
And for some happy news - Char had a baby!  Her name is Emily Rose and I believe she was born on Thursday the 21st.  I believe also that Char & Emily are already home from the hospital.
 I have added some pictures of last weeks concert!!!
Scott is MARRIED!!!
Char, Hannah, Gavin, Johanna, and Cindy have left youth :(

Youth group at 7:30